1. This verb is a little bit different. We use it this way:

                                   PRESENT                                      PAST

I.................................. AM..............................................WAS

SHE/HE/ IT................IS..................................................WAS
YOU (pl).....................ARE............................................WERE

 I am very happy. I was very happy
You are beautiful. You were beautiful
She is my best friend. She was my best friend.
He is my neighbour. He was my neighbour.
It is very beautiful. It was very beautiful
We are the champions. We were the champions.
You (pl) are a great team. You (pl) were a great team.They are dancing. They were dancing.


        2.   TO FORM THE NEGATIVE  :
                     WE ADD "NOT" AFTER THE VERB

I am NOT angry.......I was NOT .....angry (WASN´T)
You are NOT angry.....You were NOT angry. (AREN´T/ WEREN´T)
He is NOT angry.......He was NOT angry. (ISN´T/WASN´T)
It is NOT mine. It was NOT mine. (INS´T/WASN´T)
We are NOT angry.....We were NOT angry. (AREN´T/WEREN´T)
You (pl) are NOT angry.....You were NOT  angry. (AREN´T/WEREN´T)
They are NOT angry......They were NOT angry.  (AREN´T/WEREN´T)

Activity 1 :  Find the mistakes in the sentences and write them properly in your notebook 

  1. You were very happy today.
  2. She is my best friend when we went to school together.
  3. We didn´t were at home yesterday at night.
  4. I are very happy because you be here.
  5. He plays tennis very well that is why he are my favourite player.
  6. My friend gave me these flowers yesterday because it were my birthday.
  7. They didn´t go to the cinema because they are at my party.
  8. I didn´t was there, so I didn´t see it.

Activity 2: Now write this sentences in the negative (the ones that are in the present you write them again in the present but with the negative form, and the same with the ones that are in the past)
  1.  I am angry with you.
  2. She was at her grandma´s home last week.
  3. We were having a lot of fun with this game.
  4. She is my young sister.
  5. They are watching a scary movie.

Now you can try whenever you want these links to continue practising:

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